

One vegetable processing production line was used based on ultrasonic pesticide degradation machine as experimental equipment in this study. By controlling the different ultrasonic power and ultrasonic radiation time parameters, the pesticide degradation effects of organic phosphorus and carbamate remaining on the surface of a small green vegetables with different ultrasonic power and ultrasonic radiation time were analyzed. The results showed that the ultrasonic power for organic phosphorus and carbamate pesticide degradation effect was very obvious. However, when the ultrasonic power reached to a certain degree, the pesticide degradation tend to be changless. The relationship between the ultrasonic irradiation time and the degradation of organic phosphorus and carbamate pesticides was as follows: the degradation rate increased with the increase of ultrasonic irradiation time. From the consideration of production efficiency, for the degradation of organic phosphorus and carbamate pesticides ultrasonic power was 2.4 kW, with ultrasonic radiation for 4 min, the degradation rate could reach 80%.

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