

The ultrasonic-assisted acid extraction technology of collagen from Schizothorax prenanti bone was studied using univariate analysis and orthogonal test to improve the extraction rate. The purified collagen was analyzed by the methods of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , ultraviolet spectroscopy, amino acid and denaturation temperature analysis. The results showed that ultrasonic pretreat-ment increased the collagen extraction rate significantly. The optimal extracting conditions were as followed: extracting temperature 30 ℃, ratio of, liquid-solid 751 (mL/g), time for pre-treating by the ultrasonic 20 min, and extracted time. In the conditions, the collagen extraction ratio was 6.91% and the purity reached 89.74%. In addition, SDS-PAGE results suggested that the collagen was comprised of α1, α2 and β chain, which might be classified as type I collagen. Maximum UV absorption wavelength of collagen was between 220~232 nm. Schizothorax prenanti bone collagen contained high percentages of Gly (31.21% of total amino acid), and its denaturation temperature was 31.4 ℃.

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