

Emulsions were prepared with sodium caseinate as emulsifier, inulin and gum Arabic as stabilizer, oregano essential oil as oil phase embedding resveratrol, to avoid the shortage of strong aromatic odor of oregano essential oil, low solubility of resveratrol and poor stability of them. Antimicrobial activities of oregano essential oil (OEO), resveratrol, OEO-resveratrol and their emulsions against Salmonella typhimurium as well as antimicrobial effects during storage at 4 ℃ and 25 ℃ were investigated. Application in fresh cut cabbages was also preliminarily studied. The results showed that OEO and resveratrol had a synergistic inhibition effect on S. typhimurium, and 2.0% inulin and gum Arabic could improve the bacteriostatic activities of them. Emulsions could reduce the decomposition rate of OEO and resveratrol and protect their bioactivities during storage, and emulsions still showed inhibitory effect on S. typhimurium stored at 4 ℃ for 20 days and at 25 ℃ for 12 days. S. typhimurium on fresh cuts cabbage showed reductions from the control of 1.52 (OEO-resveratrol), 2.04 (sodium caseinate), 2.67 (sodium caseinate-inulin) and 2.98 lg CFU/g (sodium caseinate-gum Arabic) stored at 8 ℃ for 4 days, respectively.

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