

Nutritional components of highland barley flour were analyzed, including protein, fat, ash, moisture and amino acids. The processing parameters for highland barley chips was studied, including extrusion puffed, pre-drying and roasting. The results showed that, in the highland barley flour, the protein contents of protein, fat, moisture and ash were 10.23 g/100 g, 2.51 g/100 g, 8.41 g/100 g, and 1.86 g/100 g respectively. Highland barley flour contained 17 amino acids, and the contents of total amino acid were 9.471 g/100 g. The optimum preparation of extrusion puffed conditions were determined as follows: barrel temperature of T2 to T6 were 60, 140, 140, 80, 50 ℃, feeding rate 50 kg/h, screw speed 280 r/min, and moisture content 23%. The optimum preparation of pre-drying conditions was determined as follows: drying temperature 60 ℃, air volume 12%, drying time 16 min, material thickness 30 mm. The optimum preparation of roasting conditions was determined as follows: surface fire 180 ℃, bottom fire 220 ℃, time 70 s. Under the control of these conditions, the gelatinization degree of extruded puffing highland barley flour was 98.73%, and highland barley chips had good quality with good taste, color, aroma and appearance.

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