
About This Journal

Food & Machinery (shipin yu jixie) is an open access scholarly journal which comprehensively reports the up-to-date progress of research and development of food science, technology,packaging material and machine. It has been indexed by various databases such as the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), Core Journals of Peking University, Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE), CNKI, EBSCO, Wanfang Data, JSTChina, etc.

Food & Machinery, founded in 1985, superintended by Education Department of Hunan Province, sponsored by Changsha University of Science and Technology and co-sponsored by Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST), is now a monthly publication targeted both domestically (CN 43-1183/TS) and internationally (ISSN 1003-5788). Each issue contains 248 pages on average and the annual published papers reach to around 510.

The journal is subscribed by food scientists, food engineers, food technologists, nutritionist, medical professionals, research institutions, universities, etc.

Address: Changsha University of Science and Techonology
NO.960 2nd section, Wanjiali RD(S)
Changsha, Hunan
P.R.China 410114
Phone/Fax: (0731) 85258200  85258201
Official Website: http://www.ifoodmm.com/spyjx/home
E-mail: foodmm@vip.sina.com