Fingerprinting technology is a kind of technique which is based on certain quality characteristics of sample by means of the fingerprint analysis methods (such as: DNA fingerprint, metabolic fingerprint, isotope fingerprints, odor fingerprint, fingerprint spectrum, etc.) to obtain a series of characteristic data and build models to get a technique for statistics and classification. and It becomes a hot spot of food testing technology research and future development trend for the advantages of rapid, accurate, sensitive ,and so on. It is described on the principle of all kinds of fingerprinting technology and application, and development trends, especially in the food traceability, the shelf life prediction, the quality testing and the application of the food processing, to provide reference for future related research.
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Shuai, WU; Sheng, LEI; Xihong, YANG; Qian, GAO; Dongwei, CHENG; Ling, ZHANG; Wei, ZHAO; Tiandong, ZHANG; and Wancui, XIE
"Fingerprint analysis technology and its application in food,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 31:
1, Article 57.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2015.01.057
Available at:
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