As an important fruit elements of the cell wall, calcium is also an important component of the plasma membrane.It plays an important role for the growth and development of fruits and vegetables, and also involved in regulating a variety of physiological processes, improve fruit quality. In the production and processing,spraying calcium fertilizer before harvest can improve the quality of fruits and vegetables; postharvest calcium treatment can also prolong its storage period, maintain good quality, reduce the loss of fruits and vegetables after the harvest.
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Hongguo, YU; Fusheng, CHEN; Shaojuan, LAI; and Lifen, ZHANG
"Application of calcium in fruit and vegetable industry,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 31:
1, Article 59.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2015.01.059
Available at:
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