

Objective: The content of carotenoids, zeaxanthin, β-carotene, zeaxanthin dipalmitate of Lycium barbarum L. dried fruit in eight areas (Jinghe of Xinjiang, Baiyin of Gansu, Nanliang of Ningxia, Zhongning of Ningxia, Huinong of Ningxia, Wulateqianqi Pioneer Town of Neimeng, Guyuan of Ningxia, Chaidamu of Qinghai) was determined by spectrophotometry and HPLC.Result: The method of HPLC to detect three major carotenoids of Lycium barbarum L. was simple and fast. The three major carotenoids could be qualitatived and quantitatived within 20 min. The content of carotenoids, zeaxanthin, β-carotene, zeaxanthin dipalmitate of Lycium barbarum L. dried fruit in Qinghai was the highest in eight areas. The Lycium barbarum L. in eight areas was divided into two categories by cluster analysis. The Lycium barbarum L. in Zhongning, Guyuan, Qinghai was a category, the other was a category.

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