Through the inspection of Hunan Province students 8~10 years old and the pregnant women urine iodine level and thyroid volume and salt iodine content, analysis of iodine nutrition level of residents in regions in Hunan, the current evaluation of iodized salt concentration can meet the iodine nutrition level of the people in Hunan, and provide basis for decision making of targeted scientific iodine. Through the investigation, the results showed that: in 2012 the iodized salt concentration after adjustment, Hunan province still reached the standard of eliminating iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). The level of iodine nutrition of pregnant women was suitable, the rest of the population iodine nutrition level was greater than the appropriate level, but the iodine nutrition levels remained slightly larger than the optimum level, for the prevention of iodine deficiency disease was also meaningful. In 2009, 2011 and 2014 in the monitoring of 8~10 years old students median of urinary were 276.36, 270.80 and 222.80 μg/L, decreased. The median urinary iodine of pregnant women were 221.90 and 177.20 μg/L in 2011 and the 2014 monitoring, showed a sharp downward trend, but still in a suitable level. These results are consistent with the down-regulation of iodized salt concentration factors in 2011, suggesting that the iodine nutrition level in different population in our province to appropriate levels recommended in the adjustment, the implementation of the scientific iodine and on-demand iodine supplementation strategies and measures are being implemented progressively.
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Xiang, LONG; Yan, TIAN; and Shiyin, GUO
"Iodine nutrition survey in Hunan province in 2014,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 31:
3, Article 52.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2015.03.052
Available at:
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