An electronic tongue was used to analyze unadulterated and adulterated honey samples. The response signals were analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant factor analysis (DFA) and partial least-squares analysis (PLS). The results indicated that electronic tongue could recognize unadulterated and adulterated honey samples (the adulterated ratio of high fructose syrup was above 5%). Coefficient of determination between sensors response signals and the ratio of high fructose syrup of PLS model was 0.992 0. The prediction error of PLS model was within 5% (the adulterated ratio of high fructose syrup was between 10% to 70%). It was proved that electronic tongue could be applied in honey discrimination.
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Hongfeng, JIA; Wei, LI; Lili, DUAN; Lian, HE; and Hong, DENG
"Adulteration detection of honey based on electronic tongue,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 31:
4, Article 18.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2015.04.018
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