Using the ‘Qiufuhong’ apples as the materials, the changes of fruit quality and physiology activity under cold storage and 7 days shelf-life after cold storage were studied. The result showed that, the ‘Qiufuhong’ apples had the respiration climacteric, the respiration climacteric of cold storage fruits happened at 98 days and the shelf-life fruits happened after 70 days cold storage, the cold storage fruits had the lower PPO activity and higher POD activity, and the activity peak were all delayed, the quality of ‘Qiufuhong’ apples became inferior and weight loss ratio enhanced quickly after 126 days cold storage and 98 days cold storage for shelf-life fruits. The best storage time for cold storage fruits was 126 days, and 98 days for shelf-life fruits.
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Dan, GUO; Yingqun, HAN; and Yi, HAO
"Effects of cold storage and shelf-life on physiology and quality of the ‘Qiufuhong’ apples,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 31:
4, Article 34.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2015.04.034
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