

The combination technology of membrane separation technology and macroporous resin purification technology have been adopted to separate and purify tea saponin. Tea saponin extractive was preliminarily purified and concentrated by flowing through ceramic membrane and 360 Da nanofiltration membrane in sequence, the yield and purity of tea saponin is 62.1% and 79%, respectively. On the basis of static adsorption and desorption as well as dynamic adsorption and desorption experiments, the macroporous resin AmberliteXAD7HP was selected for further purification. the The optimum conditions for purification of tea saponin using macroporous resin were established by single factor tests as follows: the sample flow rate of 0.5 mL/min, the sample concentration of 30 mg/mL; gradient elution with ethanol of different concentration, 10%, 40% and 70% respectively, flow rate of 1 mL/min, elution volume was 3 BV. Under these optimum conditions, the final yield of tea saponin was 55.3% with the purity of 95%. High purity tea saponin has been got, and indicates that membrane separation and macroporous resin combination technology is a feasible method of industrialization.

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