

The preparation of cucumber pickled cabbage using direct val set (DVS) lactic acid bacteria fermentation powder was studied. Effects were determined, for DVS lactic acid bacteria powder content on the dynamic change of pH value, nitrite content, salinity, color value and the total number of colonies in the fermentation of pickled cucumber. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was applied to select the optimum fermentation conditions. The results showed that with the increasing of fermentation time, pH value of cucumber pickle juice decreased gradually while acidity increased gradually. Cucumber salinity first increased and then stabilized. The color a value was increasing during fermentation process. Nitrite content first increased, then decreased and stabilized. The peak value of nitrite content was far lower than the nitrite national standard GB 2714-2003 of 20 mg/kg. The sensory analysis showed that the highest score of cucumber pickle was the highest in the cucumber pickle under the condition of fermentation 24 h with adding 0.4% DVS lactic acid bacteria. DVS lactic acid fermentation can effectively shorten the fermentation time of cucumber pickled, which can be widely used in the production of convenience pickled.

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