

Theoretically analyzes the operating principle of MVR system for plant extract concentration, and compares the characteristics of different types of compressors. Combined with an example, the operation efficiencies of two MVR systems driven by centrifugal and vortex compressor are researched. The total amount of evaporation and electricity consumption between the two systems are calculated through a statistical method in a half year running time. The results show that under the same design evaporation rate, the average amount of evaporation rate is 2 545.3 kg/h for centrifugal compressor, which is 1 908.3 kg/h for vortex compressor. The largest coefficient of performance (COP) is 15.3 for centrifugal compressor and 11.0 for vortex compressor. The specific electricity consumptions for evaporating are 0.040 kW·h/kg and 0.058 kW·h/kg for the two types of compressors. It can be proved that under the premise of ensuring air tightness, the centrifugal compressor is more suitable for concentrating alcohol distilled plant extract than the vortex compressor, and has a better energy saving effect in concentr-ation process.

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