

To investigate the optimal preserving green measures for export komatsuna during processing, frozen storage and transportation, the ‘Sally’ komatsuna was blanched by the blanching complex solution before quick-freezing process. The preserving green effects of sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride concentrations in the blanching complex solution, blanching temperature and time were determined as a single factor during frozen pack storage, respectively. Moreover, blanching conditions were also optimized by orthogonal experiment. The results showed that the best preserving-green technology for the export ‘Sally’ komatsuna in processing and frozen storage was blanching them with 0.10% sodium bicarbonate and 0.10% sodium chloride concentrations at 90 ℃ for 1.2 min, and then soaking them in 0.20% calcium chloride solution at room temperature for 30 min before quick frozen and frozen pack storage.

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