To recognize the effect of aging technology on quality of white pulp wine, samples were preprocessed by ultrasonic, microwave and cold and hot treatment. The results showed that the three different aging treatments all could lower total acid slightly and increase chroma of loquat wine, and aging by cold and hot treatment got higher scores than ultrasonic as well as microwave treatment in sensory evaluation. The species of aroma substances detected decreased while proportion of undetected compounds increased after aging treatment. The highest content were alcohols and esters, hot and cold, ultrasonic and microwave treatment, accounted for 79.8%, 78.3% and 88.97%, respectively, which was less than that of the original wine 91.24%. Aging treatment increased the proportion of the other aroma components, which was beneficial to enhance the overall aroma of the wine. Alcohols, aldehydes, acids and esters were the main factors influencing quality of wine, and further analysis showed that the scores of aroma were followed by microwave, cold and hot and ultrasonic treatment. Sensory evaluation, principal component analysis and determination of undetected component should be considered to estimate the wine, thus white pulp loquat wine aged by hot and cold treatment was of better quality.
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Min, YUAN; Qiaobi, WANG; Qian, ZHAO; Caiqiong, ZHOU; and Xiyu, WU
"Influence on quality of white pulp loquat wine with different artificial aging technology,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
12, Article 24.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.12.024
Available at:
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