

The enzymatic browning of pear juice was one of the major technical challenges during storage and processing. It reduced the value of pear juice such as the appearance, flavor and other quality. In this paper, crisp pear was selected as material. The inhibitory effects of enzymatic browning by browning inhibitors including ascorbic acid, calcium chloride, citric acid, β-cyclodextrin, EDTA and their combination were studied. The results showed that the order of the intensity of inhibition on the relative enzyme activity of polyphenol oxidase was ascorbic acid> calcium> citric acid> β-cyclodextrin> EDTA within the range of concentrations selected. And there was a synergistic effect among ascorbic acid, β-cyclodextrin and EDTA. The optical conditions by the orthogonal experimental design were that ascorbic acid concentration 0.10%, β-cyclodextrin concentration 0.4% and EDTA concentration 0.08%. It could not only protect polyphenol in juice, but also reduced the PPO activity to 9.6% compared with that without incorporation of anti-browning agents. Under these conditions, the pear juice product with a high color value could be obtained.

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