

Development of mineral resources along Xiang River has brought serious pollution of heavy metals. What’s more, heavy metals migrate from environment into organism which bring a consequence of security threat. Studied the pollution situation and migration regularity of 7 kinds of heavy metals in water,sediment,plankton and aristichthys nobilis. The results showed that: The concentration of heavy metals in water were below the first class standard limit value of the national surface water environment quality; The pollution degree of heavy metals in sediments were found with the order: Cd>Zn>Pb>Cu>Cr>As>Hg, and the comprehensive pollution grading had reached high levels of pollution degree; The concentration of heavy metals in plankton were found with the order: Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr>As>Hg>Cd; The concentration of heavy metals in aristichthys nobilis were found with the order: Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr>As>Hg>Cd, and all the concentration of heavy metals were below the national and industry standards limited; The concentration of heavy metals in plankton mainly depend on the concentration of heavy metals in water, partly depend on the sediment; Cd and Pb are more inclined to migrate from environment into aristichthys nobilis, while Zn and Hg are more inclined to migrate from food into aristichthys nobilis.

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