

Microwave-assisted enzyme method was adopted to improve the extraction ratio of Artemisia argyi volatile oil, the effects of enzyme extraction time, temperature, and microwave power on the extraction ratio had discussed. The extraction process was optimized with orthogonal experiment, and the ingredient of Artemisia argyi volatile oil had analyzed. The results showed that the microwave-assisted process had the benefit to get a higher extraction ratio as 60 min enzyme extraction time, 45 ℃ enzyme extraction temperature, 10 min microwave processing time, 250 W microwave power, 0.9% cellulase dosage and pH 4.0 buffer solution. The average extraction ratio was 3.61% which increased 1.25% comparing with the sample without microwave treatment. The analysis of GC—MS indicated that the main content of volatile oil was composed of ethyl benzoylformate, spathulenol and phthalic acid, which was 11.68%, 5.24% and3.94%, respectively.

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