Aquatic products are good resources of protein, inorganic salt and vitamin, which are tend to be deteriorated easily and affect the circulation of aquatic products. Fresh ice is one of the fresh-keeping methods with ice, such as ozone, electrolyzed water, bio-preservatives and electronic beam etc, so as to achieve the best effect of preservation. The application progress in fresh-keeping effects of aquatic products with traditional ice, ozone ice, slurry ice, electrolyzed water ice and bio-preservative ice were reviewed in this paper. The application of electronic beam and composite bio-preservative with ice were also introduced at the same time. The main problems on preservation for aquatic products with fresh ice were analyzed systematically and the suggestions of these problems were given. Furthermore, the application prospects and developmental aspects of fresh ice were outlooked.
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Qian, WANG; Xiaohong, SUN; Weiqing, LAN; Wanjun, ZHANG; and Jing, XIE
"Progress on application research of fresh ice for aquatic products preservation,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
3, Article 50.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.03.050
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