Alternaria Spp is a fungi, which can cause a variety of postharvest fruit to disease and the serious loss in every year, so prevention and control of postharvest fruit diseases by Alternaria is particularly important and urgent for now. This article will especially introduce research on method against postharvest fruits Alternaria fungi disease including control at preharvest and post harvest of physical, chemical and biological methods, as well as their mutual combination in domestic and aboard. Then put forward that the combination of new and effective way should be taken to improve the control effect in the future, to enhance the ability of resistance to alternaria fungi, and to extend period of fruit postharvest storage and to promote the value of the goods.
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Wei, HUANG; Zuoshan, FENG; Yujia, BAI; Peiling, ZHANG; and Feng, ZHENG
"Advances on methods to control fungal diseases of Alternaria spp in postharvest,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
3, Article 55.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.03.055
Available at:
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