To verify the influence of thin-layer materials double injection feeding machine on cut strip casing, with compressed air as the ejector dielectric charging, variation coefficient and effective utilization rate the casing effects of cut strips were examined by using 1, 2- propylene glycol as markers on the feeding machine in terms of HT steam pressure, diluted belt speed. solid-liquid ejector pressure and discharge belt motor frequency. Under laboratory conditions, the results showed that ① by means of thin tobacco double injection feeder to feed, the utilization efficiency can up to 95% and the coefficient of variation is about 6%; ② within the experimental range, the major technological parameters of thin tobacco double injection feeder had significant influence on tobacco feeding with different trends, such as HT steam pressure, diluted belt speed, solid-liquid ejector pressure, discharge belt motor frequency and moisture removal motor frequency; ③ and the better feeding results can be obtained under the following conditions: HT steam pressure 0.12~0.22 MPa, diluted belt speed 30 Hz (the speed of belt was 4 m/s and the thickness of feed layer was 2.5 mm ), solid-liquid ejector pressure 0.15~0.20 MPa and discharge belt motor frequency 38~42 Hz.
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Weimin, SONG; Shufang, LI; Lei, FAN; Hongtao, LI; and Jiaxin, WEI
"Factors influencing casing effects of cut strip in thin-layer materials double injection feeding machine,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
4, Article 29.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.04.029
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