

Eleven kinds of celery in Beijing were used. Six Indices including water content, chlorophyll content, respiration intensity, relative conductivity, cellulose content and lignin content of celery were measured. The results showed that, during the storage period, water content in Japanese Small Parsley and White Celery decreased sharply; chlorophyll content in Majiagou, Emperor and Jade Emperor maintained at a high level, but it is low in Purple Celery and White Celery, while the lowest level appeared in Jade Emperor and White Celery; White Celery entered the stage of senescence in the 1st day with the respiratory top; White Celery and Purple Celery's relative conductivity increased much more than the others; White Celery lost its commodity in the 4th day; lignin content of White Celery is highest in all cultivars, while Sidide showed the lowest. According to this study, Sidide owned a best storage characteristic, but White celery was the worst one.

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