Faced with the revolution in internet plus food industry, the communication of internet food brand three squirrels has become a model to research the direction of development in the industry. In order to create and maintain a unified brand personality, internet food brand used some methods such as spreading content themes without direct relationship to the brand in micro-blog, mainly using a communication form of text plus image and the multi language style with the sub culture characteristic. These methods also give some inspiration for the application of micro blog dissemination of internet food brands. First, using social media to build a dialogue system with the audiences; second, using a variety of means of communication to create and maintain a unified brand personality. Also try to use sub culture factors in the communication of brand.
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Shiyu, LUO; Wentao, YANG; Xiangyang, DEND; Hanlu, LIU; and Ting, JIA
"An empirical study on the content of food brand micro-blog——Taking an example of internet food brand “Three Little Squirrel”,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
8, Article 50.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.08.050
Available at:
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