With the emphasis on the cultivation of applied talents and the rapid development of information technology and economic globalization, the scientific English teaching to food science students is facing the new challenge of our ages. To examine the current situation of scientific English teaching, there are still a lot of problems. The author suggests to improve awareness of the importance on the profession, ensure systematicness and advancement of teaching content, construct the learning mode of the scene type, introduce the multiple evaluation system as well as grasp the way and method of obtaining industry information and professional literature, to improve the teaching quality and teaching effect in scientific English and achieve the goal of cultivating high quality applied talents in food industry.
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Wenlin, REN
"Innovative path on scientific English teaching to food science students under the framework of applied talents cultivation,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
9, Article 53.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.09.053
Available at:
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