Aiming at the U.S. food inspection system, it was analyzed, in this paper, its characters from several aspects, including the structure, operation and management mechanism, inspection belief as well as the training for inspector. It provides some suggestions to improve the food inspection system in China. Therefore, it is significant to establish an inspection system based on food safety quality system and risk analysis, a comprehensive inspection data management system, as well as a unified training and certification system for food inspectors.
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Yanfang, YUAN; Hongye, SHANG; Hui, CHEN; Jing, LIU; Ning, DING; Yuande, SONG; Jiaying, YANG; and Jie, LUO
"Astudy and reference of U.S. food inspection system,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
1, Article 13.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.01.013
Available at:
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