

The early warning is significant forpreventing stored maize from aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) contamination. To reveal the relationship between the change of catalase activity and AFB1 contamination in stored maize, the storage experiments of maize were carried out at different temperatures and moisture contents. The results showed the increasing trend of catalase activity and contaminated AFB1 was accordant, which displayed a quadratic equation with the correlation coefficient of more than 0.95. The rates of catalase activity increase and AFB1 production by mould in maize could be affected by storage temperature and maize moisture content, but their increasing trend was not changed. Moreover, it was found that catalase activity increase 4 to 21 days before the significant increase of AFB1 content under each maize storage condition. Therefore, the early warning of AFB1 contamination in stored maize could be achieved by the detection of catalase activity of mould in stored maize.

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