The aim of this current study was to, under the premise of the best sensory quality, assess the effect of gas heated and electric steamers on the nutritional quality of Taihu crabs (Eriocheir sinensis). Based on the sensory evaluation of Taihu crabs, the optimal steaming conditions of two methods were obtained combined weight loss rates and water contents during cooking process, firstly. Under the steam condition with the best sensory quality, the nutritional quality i.e. basic nutritional components, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids and functional components, subsequently were analyzed and assessed. The results showed that their weight loss rates increased but water contents decreased with prolonging steaming time in the both steam methods. The optimal steam time of electric steamer and gas heated steamer was 25 and 20 min, respectively. Under the optimal steam condition, compared with the samples steamed by gas heated steamer, the samples steamed by electric steamer showed significantly better characteristics, such as basic nutritional value, vitamin contents, the contents of total, essential, delicious amino acids, and the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Moreover, the contents of DHA (C22:6) and astaxanthin steamed by electric steamer were more than 2-folds than those of gas heated steamer. The results showed good guiding significance for daily cooking and central kitchen.
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Shuang, ZHU; Xin, ZHEN; Mengyin, LIU; Yunfei, XIE; and Weirong, YAO
"Comparison sensory evaluation and nutritional value of taihu crab steamed by different methods,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
1, Article 7.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.01.007
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