

The effects of different pretreatments, NaCl concentration and pickling temperature on nitrite formation in the traditional pickling process of Toona sinensis were studied. Moreover, the change rules of the content of nitrite in the pickling process after adding VC, glucose and ginger respectively were also discussed, and the control conditions were optimized. The results showed that blanching materials with Zn(Ac)2 and EDTA-2Na mixture could greatly reduce the content of nitrite in the product; the higher the NaCl concentration, the later the peak of nitrite occurred and the higher the concentration and the peak value of nitrite; the lower the pickling temperature was, the slower the nitrite produced, the higher the content was and the longer the peak duration was. When added 0.47‰ VC, 0.34% glucose and 1.75% ginger, the nitrite content in the conditions was 3.74 mg/kg. The products could be accepted by consumers.

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