The preservation at room temperature of fresh bean curd using polyamide (PA) packaging films with different concentrations of sugar, vinegar and salt was researched in this study. The single factor experiment was used to determine the optimal concentration of sugar, vinegar and salt. The orthogonal test showed that preservative solution ratio of 1 g/L sugar, 3 g/L vinegar, 7 g/L salt, treated with boiling water for 0.5 min, the freash bean curd could be stored longest.
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Xiaotong, DING; Fuxin, YANG; Yanna, QIU; and Jiongjiong, ZHANG
"Research on fresh bean curd packaging technology at room temperature,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
11, Article 26.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.11.026
Available at:
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