

In order to promote the rapid dissolution of anthocyanins and other polyphenols in colored grapes into grape juice, taking cabernet sauvignon grape as raw materia, using non thermal processing technology combined with freezing microwave treatment. Based on the single factor experiment, choosing the anthocyanin and polyphenol content of dual response value. Factors such as sample quality, freezing time, freezing temperature, microwave time and microwave power were selected as optimization factors, designed optimization of response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken experimental design principle. The optimum conditions for the simultaneous optimization of the two indicators were as follows: The sample quality was 74 g, the freezing temperature was -18 ℃, the freezing time was 16.3 h, the microwave time was 40 s, and the microwave power was 450 W. The anthocyanin and polyphenol contents were 239.272 mg/L and 573.153 mg/L. The results showed that using the combination of microwave technology can produce frozen bright high anthocyanin grape juice products, the maximum extent possible to maintain the grape color, flavor, nutritional value and efficacy of the active ingredient.

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