

The paper focused on the effect of the cassava flour on the qualities and texture characteristics of biscuits during storage, different proportion of cassava flour instead of low-gluten flour was made biscuits, and evaluated the physical and texture indexes of the products. The results showed that the brightness of biscuits add the cassava flour was decreased, colour and lustre was turned yellow. The cassava flour could reduce the moisture content and water absorp-tion, improved the brittleness of biscuits during storage. Thereinto, the biscuits during storage had the lowest moisture content, chewiness, hardness, and the highest brittleness when the cassava flour and low-gluten flour ratio was 30/70. When the cassava flour and low-gluten flour ratio exceed 40/60, hardness, springiness and chewiness were raised, the quality of biscuits were declined compared with the control.

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