

In this study, UV spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, were used to study the microstructure of rabbit-skin collagen, respectively. The effects of temperature, collagen concentration, pH value and ionic strength on aggregation properties of collage were also studied. The results of UV spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed that the absorption peak and the corresponding wavelength in accordance with the characteristics of type Ⅰ collagen. Moreover, the results of scanning electron microscopy showed that the collagen was irregular dense sheet film, partially wrinkled on the surface. Furthermore, the results of aggregation properties of rabbit-skin collagen indicated that with the increase of temperature and collagen concentration, the aggregation speed of collagen accelerated and the degree of aggregation increased. In acidic environment, the aggregation time was relatively long. When pH increased from 7 to 8, the degree of self-assembly increased first and then decreased. The degree and the speed of self-assembly were the highest at pH 7.2. With the increase of ion concentration, the aggregation rate first increased and then decreased. The collagen reached the fastest aggregation speed and the highest degree of self-assembly in 120 mmol/L NaCl solution.

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