

In order to compare the activities of different extracts using several polar fractions of extracts from Angelica Keiskei, the crude extracts were adsorbed by HPD-600 macroporous resin, and 50% ethanol eluents were collected as products. The products were separated into three different polar solvents for extracting, i.e., ethyl acetate fraction, n-butanol fraction and aqueous fraction, and extracted by organic solvents of different polarities based on liquids-liquids extracting method. Moreover, the contents of total phenolic and flavonoid in different extracts were determined, and then the activities on scavenging DPPH, ABTS radical, ferric-reducing power and inhibiting to α-glucosidase were also studied. The results showed that the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction had high contents of total phenolic and flavonoid with the strongest antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. The antioxidant activity and inhibitory rate of α-glucosidase of the extracts from A. Keiskei increased according with the their concentration increasing.

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