Gluten-free rice bread is made from rice, yeast, water, and some other ingredients, which is one of the foods for gluten allergy customer. Without the gluten in it, the rice bread dough could not form firm network, and the quality of rice bread is poor. Recently, researches were focused on improving the process or adding with extra additives to improve its quality. The standard of gluten-free rice bread and its materials were introduced in this paper. Moreover, the researches about rice bread were also introduced.
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Li, WANG; Tong, WU; Cuiping, YI; Haifeng, QIAN; Hui, ZHANG; and Xiguang, QI
"Research Progress of Gluten-free Rice Bread,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
3, Article 41.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.03.042
Available at:
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