In this paper, the changes of protein, lipid, ash and total sugar of rice bran after solid-state fermentation were studied for deep development of rice bran resources. The results showed that the contents of protein and ash increased significantly after fermentation. Moreover, the contents of lipid and total sugar decreased gradually with fermentation time. The optimized fermentation condition was: 37 ℃, 102 h, moisture content of 60%, initial pH 5.5, inoculation amount of 20 mL/100 g, with the true protein content as the response value. In this condition,the true protein content of fermented rice bran was 19.65%,increased 41.88% compared with the raw rice bran. In addition, the results of amino acid analysis showed that the contents of methionine and threonine were increased by 73.92% and 22.99% respectively compared with the original rice bran.
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Xiaochao, YIN; Haifeng, QIAN; Li, WANG; Hui, ZHANG; and Xiguang, QI
"Effect of solid-state fermentation on the ingredients of rice bran,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
3, Article 9.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.03.010
Available at:
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