

It was conducted to evaluate the effects of different preservative treatments on the quality of three cultivars of citrus fruits, i.e. ‘Newhall’ navel orange, Fengjie 72-1 navel orange and Valencia orange, during the storage in this study. Four treatment solutions were prepared by using 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) composite chitosan oligosaccharide, “Huolixian” commercial fungicides, Pichia membranaefaciens and low dose carbendazim with Pichia membranaefaciens, respectively. Citrus fruits were soaked in each treatment solution, then dried and bagged. Then the citrus fruits were stored at room temperature or low temperature (5 ℃), and the disease incidence and quality changes were monitored. The results suggested that all treatments had different effects on disease control of citrus fruits compared with the control, the “Huolixian” commercial fungicides in combination with 2,4-D was the best; the preservation effect of low dose carbendazim in combination with Pichia membranaefaciens and 2,4-D was better than Pichia membranaefaciens in combination with 2,4-D; the preservation effect of the chitosan oligosaccharide in combination with 2,4-D was better under the low temperature compared with room temperature storage. Each treatment had no significant effect on soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acid (TA) content of citrus fruits. However, low temperature could significantly delay the decrease of TSS content, TA content and fruit weight, compared with room temperature.

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