

Taking the Water addition, mixing time, settling time and freezing temperature as factors, response surface experiments were used to optimize the technological application of extrusion type quick-frozen highland barley fish noodle based on the results of single factor experiments by the fuzzy comprehensive. Results were as followed: Water addition and freezing temperature with the quality of noodle were significant(P<0.05), which have synergistic enhancing effects. The primary and secondary order of technological factors that affect the total quality score of noodle were water addition and freezing temperature, respectivley. Mixing time and settling time on consumer behavior on the total quality score of noodle was positively correlated, but the impact was not significant. The optimum parameters for extrusion type quick-frozen highland barley fish noodle were: water addition 18.84%, mixing time of 12 min, settling time of 25 min and freezing temperature of -32 ℃.

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