

In order to regulate quality of TWP, the method of twin-screw wet extrusion was undertaken to obtain a kind of product with a layered structure similar to muscle meat by using gluten. The extrusion process was carried out on a twin-screw extruder. In practice, water was pumped into the barrel under the control of main panel. Moreover, the influences of different moisture contents on the texture characteristics and microstructures of TWP were also studied. The results indicated that the increment of water contents increased the degree of texturization. At the 40% water content, the highest degree of texturization was obtained. In addition, with the increase of water content, textured properties, including hardness, resilience and chewiness, first increased, and then decreased at high water contents. Furthermore, an obvious decrease in bulk density was observed while the highest rehydration ratio was obtained at 40% water content. Scanning electron micrographs showed that TWP under 40% moisture content possessed a more compact microstructure. Consequently, TWP with 40% water content showed a good textured characteristics and compact microstructure.

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