

In order to study the changes and the influencing factors of dynamic suction resistance during cigarette combustion, selecting 3R4F as the experimental samples and building the calculation methods for dynamic suction resistance investigated the change of dynamic suction resistance with the position of the combustion line during the combustion. Analyzed the effects of tobacco density, different suction conditions and different suction modes on the dynamic suction resistance of cigarette. Conclusions can be drawn as the following: the dynamic suction resistance of cigarette was increasing first, then decreasing and stabilizing with the position of combustion line, and then increasing; the parts with larger density of the cigarettes had larger dynamic suction value and the intermediate parts with stable density of the cigarette have relatively uniform dynamic resistance; the static suction value obtained in the different suction mode was similar; the dynamic suction resistance of the first half of the cigarette was not much different and the dynamic resistance of the latter part was different, which was conducive to the cigarette design of different groups according to the different suction modes, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the sensory quality of cigarettes.

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