The effects of the addition of chilli seed oil and different packaging methods of pork meat at 4 ℃ were studied, on the texture, color difference, water retention, volatile nitrogen, TBARS and colony count, to explore the preservation effect on pork meat emulsion. The results indicate that the red value of the meat emulsion was increased by the addition of chilli seed oil, and the addition had a positive effect on the pH and hardness of the meat emulsion. The fat oxidation and the protein oxidation of the meat emulsion get slow by the combination of the chilli seed oil and the vacuum packaging. The TBARS of control group had reached 1.95 mg/kg on the 9th day but only 1.39 mg/kg in the chilli seed oil group, the TVB-N value of the control group reached 28.7 mg/100 g at the 9th day, while the chilli seed oil group reached the 16.8 mg/100 g. It can effectively extend the shelf life of meat more than 2 days in the combination of chilli seed oil and vacuum packaging.
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Wenjiao, SHEN; Xinyi, HE; Runying, ZHEN; Changlu, FENG; and Bin, LIU
"Effect of chilli seed oil on storage characteristics of pork meat at low temperature,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
5, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.05.027
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