Three high producing β-glucosidase lactic acid bacteria strains were isolated and screened from Qu by eseulin plate colored method combining enzyme activity test, then identified by 16S rDNA. The screened bacteria with highest enzyme activity was used in raisin sourdough fermentation and bread making. After that, the aroma of the bread was analyzed by GC-MS as well as sensory evaluation. The results showed that among the 125 isolated lactic acid bacteria, there were 28 strains which produce β-glucosidase. Three strains showed high enzyme-producing ability, they were identified as Lactobacillus harbinensis (M12, M24) and Pediococcus pentosaceus (J28). M12, which appeared the highest activity was used in raisin sourdough fermentation and bread making. Compared with the common yeast bread, the number and the peak area of the aroma compounds in raisin sourdough bread increased by 52.9% and 65.5%. Besides, raisin sourdough bread is more acceptable than common yeast bread and raisin yeast bread in sensory evaluation.
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Chao, QIAN; Wendan, YANG; Binle, ZHANG; Jin, ZHUANG; Yan, XU; Weining, HUANG; Ning, LI; and Arnaut, FILIP
"Application of high producing β-glucosidase lactic acid bacteria in raisin sourdough bread,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
5, Article 3.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.05.003
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