Fresh-cut hang cabbage cleaned by 1.8 mg/L ozone water was selected as the experimental material, the effect of keeping fresh on fresh-cut Hang cabbage was studied by different gas composition modified atmosphere packages, such as CK for air, A for 5% O2+ 5% CO2 +90% N2, B for 5% O2+10% CO2+85% N2, C for 10% O2+5% CO2+85% N2, D for 10% O2+10% CO2+80% N2. It showed that the 5% O2+10% CO2+85% N2, low oxygen and high carbon dioxide packaging could effectively inhibit the growth of microorganisms, keep good sensory quality, and delayed the decreasing of vitamin C, chlorophyll and soluble solids content, prevented the cabbage excessive water loss, which effectively guaranteed the shelf life of fresh-cut Hang cabbage to more than 15 d.
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Hao, LEI; Jing, XIE; Yongxiang, QIAO; and Shuanshuan, ZHANG
"Effect of ozone water combined with modified atmosphere packaging on preservation of fresh-cut Hang cabbage,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
6, Article 22.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.06.022
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