The Chines chestnut was treated by different power microwave for 3 min treatments, and stored for 180 days at 3 ℃. Studied the effects of low power microwave treatment on respiration intensity, weight loss rate, decay rate, reducing sugar content, amylase activity, VC content, catalase activity, peroxidase activity and MDA content in chestnut. Results: The low intensity microwave treatment with 65 W/3 min had the best inhibition effect on catalase activity; the treatment with 130 W/3 min had better inhibition effect on peroxidase activity and MDA content; the treatment with 260 W/3 min could effectively reduce the weight loss rate and decay rate; the treatment with 195 W/3 min had the best inhibitory effect on increase of respiration intensity, amylase activity and reducing sugar content and decrease of VC content and peroxidase activity, it could also effectively reduce the weight loss rate and decay rate. According to the comprehensive analysis results, the best condition of low power microwave treatment was 195 W/3 min, packed in perforated polyethylene bags, and refrigerated at 3 ℃ for 180 days. Under the conditions, the commodity rate was ranged from 93% to 95%.
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Shuyuan, ZHANG; Xiaocong, WU; Wenping, JIN; Yanming, GUO; Linyu, ZHANG; and Ming, DONG
"Effects of low power microwave treatment on physiology and quality of low temperature storage of Chinese chestnut,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
6, Article 24.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.06.024
Available at:
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