To evaluate the postharvest quality and physiological index of Xinjiang melon, rapeseed meal hydrolyzate was used on it under 25 ℃, relative humidity 55%~60% surroundings. Results showed the hydrolyzate of rapeseed meal could decrease the respiratory intensity, weight loss rate and relative electrical conductivity of muskmelon, maintained the fruit hardness, sugar, acid and vitamin C content, inhibited the increasing of malonaldehyde content, improved the activity of peroxidase. Thus could maintain the quality and flavor of muskmelon fruit. Rapeseed meal hydrolysate can be used as a natural preservative for muskmelon postharvest storage.
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Fang, WANG; Xuewen, LI; Yu, HUANG; Junnan, HOU; Jing, YANG; and Yuan, XIE
"Effect of rapeseed meal hydrolyzate on the postharvest quality of muskmelon,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
6, Article 26.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.06.026
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