The compound enzymes consisted of trypsin and flavourzyme were used for high degree of hydrolyze oyster. The degree of hydrolysis (DH) and sensory analysis of oyster as index parameter, and single factor experiment was used for investigated the process of enzymatic hydrolysis of oyster. The peptide molecular weight distribution and amino acid composition of the optimized enzymatic hydrolysate were analyzed. The results showed that the best enzymatic hydrolyse conditions for oyster was the proportion of trypsin and flavourzyme was 21(w/w), and the quantity of compound enzymes was 0.1% (\[E\]/\[S\]), at 60 ℃ for 24 h in the solution of pH 75. The oyster high degree of enzymatic hydrolyse products could be obtained by the optimum technological conditions, containing 83.5% molecular weight less than 3 ku, and among them less than 1 ku contained 50.1%, 1~3 ku peptide contained 33.4%. The content of essential amino acids in the free amino acids of the oyster hydrolyzate was 40.51%, and the contents of the umami amino acid and the sweet amino acid were 17.50% and 30.60%, respectively.
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Yujing, YAO; Zhao, YANG; Jiajia, HUANG; and Chun, CUI
"Study on the effects of preparate flavor base material by high degree of enzymatic hydrolysis of oyster with compound enzymes,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
6, Article 36.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.06.036
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