In order to develop green preservation technology of blueberry, Southern highbush blueberries were treated by using different doses of UV-C (1.0, 2.0, 4.0 kJ/m2), and storaged at (4±0.5) ℃, changes of the quality were measured every 7 d during storage period, control samples was untreated. The results showed that UV-C treatment had better effect on improving the storage quality of blueberry, and 2 kJ/m2 treatment was the best on preservation effect of blueberry, which can effectively inhibit weight loss and rotting of postharvest blueberry; when storaged for 35 days and compared to the control group, the weight loss rate reduced 11.4%, decay rate decreased 14.8%, disease time was delayed for 7~14 d, hardness was improved 16.74%, total flavonoids content was increased 765%, total phenolic content was increased 9.93%; PAL, CAT and PPO enzyme activity were increased by 1.08 times, 1.45 times and 1.28 times, respectively. This showed that proper UV-C dose could inhibit the decay of blueberry and enhance the quality and defense enzyme activities of blueberry.
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Juhua, ZHANG; Gaoyang, LI; Wei, WANG; Shuhua, LIN; Wei, LIU; and Huan, TAN
"Effect of UV-C treatment on quality of blueberries fruit in low-temperature storage,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
7, Article 28.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.07.028
Available at:
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