The effect of different hypobaric conditions on the storage quality of postharvest mangos with Tainong No. 1 is studied in this paper. The results showed that the hypobaric and refrigerated preservation technology could effectively slow down the reduction of titratable acid, VC and soluble solids content of the fruit, keep the hardness of mango, inhibit the yellowing of mango and the increasing of membrane permeability. The preservation effect of 3 kinds of pressure by comparison showed that the storage quality of mango under the 10 kPa and the 20 kPa was better than under the 30 kPa, the mango under 10 kPa could keep lower yellowing index and higher hardness, and the mango under 20 kPa could sustain the VC, organic acids and any other nutrients better. In practical production, take both storage effect and costs into account, 20 kPa pressure is relatively appropriate for the postharvest storage of mango.
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Jianhua, XIE; Jianling, WEN; Junfeng, ZHENG; Qiaoling, GUO; and Jie, PANG
"Effects of hypobaric and refrigerated preservation on postharvest quality of mango fruit,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
7, Article 29.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.07.029
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