

This study aimed to investigate the correlation between the content of active substances and antioxidant activity in three kinds of Aronia Melanocarpa. The total phenolic content was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method, the anthocyanins content was determined by pH-different method, and the flavonoids was determined by Al(NO3)3-NaNO2 system method. Then, determining the DPPH· scavenging capacity, ABTS· scavenging capacity and reducing power of active substances. It was shown that the phenolic content ranged from 11.916 to 14.550 mg GAE/g·FW, which have the best antioxidant properties, the DPPH· scavenging capacity and ABTS· scavenging capacity of polyphenols in Elliott was the strongest, while Kelan have stranger reducing power; the anthocyanins ranged from 3.094% to 3.771%, the anthocyanins in Elliott exhibited the best antioxidant properties; the flavonoids ranged from 19.519 to 23.399 mg RE/g·FW, The DPPH· scavenging capacity of flavonoids in Kelan was the strongest, Elliott possessed the strongest ABTS· scavenging capacity, while Viking have stranger reducing power. Correlation analysis showed that there were positively correlations between the anthocyanins content and antioxidant activity, including DPPH· and ABTS· scavenging capacity; meanwhile significant positive correlation were observed between ABTS· scavenging capacity and the flavonoids content; but no significant correlations were found among the rest of the index.

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