Fresh cut hang cabbage was cleaned by 1.8 mg/L ozone water for 5 min, and then stored under 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ℃ in thermostats, respectively. The total number of colonies, vitamin C and chlorophyll content index were measured, and combined with the Arrhenius equation to establish first order dynamic prediction model. The values of activation energy (EA) of shelf life model were 49.08, 54.87 and 38.8 kJ/mol respectively, referring to former factors A0 were 4.93×107, 1×109, 1.22×106. The indexes of 10 ℃ were used to validate the model whose relative error of the predicted and the measured values were less than 10%. It showed that the shelf life model could be used to predict accurately the shelf life of fresh cut Hang cabbage in the temperature of 0~20 ℃.
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Hao, LEI; Jing, XIE; and Yongxiang, QIAO
"Establishment and evaluation of shelf life model on fresh cut Hang cabbage processed by ozone water,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 33:
8, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2017.08.027
Available at:
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